Lastest Research interests
Experiment Research
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New publication and conferences
[1] Xuezhong He, Jon Arvid Lie, Edel Sheridan, May-Britt Hägg. Preparation and Characterization of Hollow Fiber Carbon Membranes based on a Cellulosic Precursor. ICOM 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii USA 2008.
[2] Edel Sheridan, Jon Arvid Lie, Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg. Production of Carbon Membranes with an Online Regeneration Technique. ICOM 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii USA 2008.
[3] Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg. Gas Separation through Hollow Fiber Carbon Membranes. NYM 10th conference, Berlin, Germany 2008.
[4] Xuezhong He, Jon Arvid Lie, Edel Sheridan, May-Britt Hägg. CO2 Capture by Hollow Fibre Carbon Membranes: Experiments and Process Simulations. GHGT-9, Washington DC USA 2008 (Poster).
[5] May-Britt Hägg, Jon Arvid Lie, Xuezhong He. Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes. NanoMemCourse, Lillestrøm, Norway, March 2009.
[6] Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg, Using Orthogonal Experimental Design for Spinning Defect-free Hollow Fiber Membranes. ECI Advanced Membrane Technology IV 2009, Trondheim, Norway
[7] Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg, Preparation and Characterization of High Performance Hollow Fiber Carbon Membranes - Discussion of Results and Potential Applications. Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, France
[8] Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg, Hollow Fiber Carbon Membranes: Investigations for CO2 Capture. NAMS 2010, Washington D.C., USA 2010.
[9] Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg, Carbon Membranes in Energy Applications. 5th KIFEE International Symposium on Environment, Energy and Materials, Kyoto, Japan 2011.
He X, Lie JA, Sheridan E, Hägg M-B. CO2 Capture by Hollow Fibre Carbon Membranes: Experiments and Process Simulation. Energy Procedia, 1, 2009, 261-268
Xuezhong He, May-Britt Hägg, Hollow fiber carbon membranes: investigations for CO2 capture, Journal of Membrane science. 2011, 378:1-9
1. He X,
Fu C, Hägg M-B. Membrane system design and process feasibility analysis for CO2
capture from flue gas with a fixed-site-carrier membrane. Chem Eng J.
2015;268(0):1-9. (5.31)
He X, Hägg M-B, Kim
T-J. Hybrid FSC membrane for CO2 removal from natural gas:
Experimental, process simulation, and economic feasibility analysis. AlChE J. 2014;60(12):4174-84.(2.98)
3. He X, Kim T-J, Hägg M-B. Hybrid fixed-site-carrier membranes for CO2 removal
from high pressure natural gas: Membrane optimization and process condition
investigation. J Membr Sci. 2014;470(0):266-74. (5.557)
4. Zhang, X., Singh, B., He, X., Gundersen, T., Deng, L., Zhang, S., Post-combustion
carbon capture technologies: Energetic analysis and life cycle assessment.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014. 27(0): p. 289-298. (4.064)
5. Zhang X, He
X, Gundersen T. Post-combustion Carbon Capture with a Gas Separation
Membrane: Parametric Study, Capture Cost, and Exergy Analysis. Energ Fuel.
2013;27(8):4137-49. (2.835)
6. He X, Hägg M-B. Hollow fiber carbon membranes: From
material to application. Chem Eng J. 2013;215–216(0):440-8. (5.31)
7. He X, Hägg M-B. Structural, kinetic and performance
characterization of hollow fiber carbon membranes. J Membr Sci.
2012;390–391(0):23-31. (5.557)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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